The True "American" Accent

Do you have an accent?  

As someone who was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, the majority of the people in this area of the United States are convinced that they don't speak with an accent or specific dialect of the English.  Afterall, most of the people from this region speak like most of the news broadcasters, TV anchors, and movie stars.

While there is no official "right way" to speak our English language, your personal disbelief of not speaking with an accent is actually just the most acceptable and understandable accent of the numerous American dialects.  It's called Standard American English and is spoken by a large majority of the middle class and business professionals.

Just because you speak with an accent doesn't make you wrong, though.  There are multiple accent trends that differ across the entire United States.  Check out this article that blew my mind!  It's called American Accents, Beautifully Mapped.  I realized that it's not only the way we say our words but how much our actual vocabulary can differ all over America!  For example...

Pop, Soda, Coke, or Soda Pop?

The debate continues... #LongtoLearnAccents


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